We hold that all people are children of a benevolent and forgiving God and are worthy of compassion and love. We pray for a just, safe, and compassionate legal system that recognizes the power of the Gospel to transform their lives and communities.
Provide spiritual care to men & women of all faith traditions and beliefs that are incarcerated in the Dane County Jail.
Provide opportunities for various types of worship, prayer, self-reflection, discussion groups, and Bible study within the jail setting.
Serve as a resource to jail staff, as well as provide spiritual care to staff.
Provide information and services to assist incarcerated people with a successful return to their communities upon release from jail.
Inform and educate congregations and community organizations about the services the Madison Area Jail Ministry provides in the Dane County Jail and beyond.
We believe that Christ's love is available to us all.
We believe in the power of prayer.
We honor the humanity and dignity of all people as they are made in the image and likeness of God.
We believe in forgiveness, reconciliation, and rehabilitation to restore balance to individuals, families, and communities.
We recognize that trauma plays a role in behavior, decision-making, and self-awareness.

The blossoming flower represents hope, perseverance and love for new life.
As the shackles of past lives and poor choices are broken, wisdom, forgiveness, faith and love grow.
The mosaic hands speak to diversity. People from every walk of life are impacted by incarceration. This rich diversity of life experience informs the spiritual journeys of every person who is seeking a closer relationship with God.
The handcuffs represent both the literal shackles of physical confinement and the figurative prisons of self-doubt, shame and self-loathing.
The hands and the flower breaking free of the circle represent the limitless possibilities when we bring faith, hope and love into the challenging process of re-entry.